Working with some of the newest technologies you have the chance to gain access inside the fraudulent Danish businessman Stein Bagger’s head, and search his brain for information about the hiding place of the 200 million. DKK, that was never found after the IT Factory scam.
8-14 players
60 min
Nørre Voldgade 18
240-350 kr/pers
Your are an ESC unit working organised and economic crime.
With the newest technology you have the chance to gain access to the brain of the Stein Bagger. Your mission is to search his brain for information for the missing 200 million DKK, that was never found after the IT Factory scam 2008.
Divided into two teams, your first assignment is to get the right and left sides of the brain to work, before you can start searching for the memories of where the money is hidden and find as many millions as possible. Unfortunately, the technology can only give you access for 60 minutes, so you have to get the most out of the time given...